Sunday, March 15, 2009

Navie's Blessing Day

This Sunday March 1st was Navie's Blessing.
Brian gave her a beautiful blessing. He told me after how alert Navie was during the blessing, with her cooing and her eyes open. I'm sure she knew what was going on.
I love my baby she is so special. I love her smell, her chubby face and everything she represents for our family.
After the blessing we went home to have some lunch with Brian's family and some friends.
I made cheese balls, crackers and spinach dip with bread; which were from Maren's cooking blog. Also, Nikki brought chips and salsa. The main plate was taco salad Costa Vida style with Maren's best Pot Roast. It was delicious! I made fresh squeezed lemonade and for dessert we had a yummy brownie truffle made by Casey.

Here are the girls before church.(I wish I could take a cute picture some day with my 3 kids smiling to the camera, not with a creepy faces)

Navie's chubby face. My mom made this dress for Haley's Blessing and I used it for Shelby's and now for Navie's.( I hope I don't have to use it ever again, hee hee hee)

This is our little family after the blesing

Mommy and beautiful Navie


Becky said...

Navie is so sweet! Brian gave such a good blessing Ü

The Garbison family said...

Beautiful baby, beautiful mommy, beautiful family!!

Kent & Collette Barr said...

I am thankful to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law and mommy to my 3 beautiful granddaughters.....

maccam said...

They are such BEAUTIFUL girls! I absolutely loved the blessing dress. What lucky girls to have such a great mom! Love, Cam

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! You look great! Congrats!!