Sunday, March 15, 2009


On Valentine's day we started the day with a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, strawberries, pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I bought these cute mail boxes for my kids and I decorated them with their names and other cute things.

The table before the kids woke up

Shelby with her binky (of course)and Haley with her creepy face. But they were really excited

Navie's place only had a mail box and a binky,which Shelby stole

Also Haley's signing group celebrated valentines going to a nursing home and they sang to the old people. It was funny because Haley only sings like 30% of the songs. I hope one of these days I will feel that this money was well spent (because these classes and binkies are the reason why I DON'T HAVE CABLE TV!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha)

Haley and her group getting ready

Cute little girls

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