Thursday, February 12, 2009

Curls anyone? (or am I a horrible mother?)

Haley wanted curly hair, or rather I wanted her to have curly hair, so last night I curled her hair using rags, thinking it would come out cute the next morning. When I took out the rags, they were terrible! The sad thing was that I couldn't stop laughing. Shelby was pointing and laughing at her head all moring. It truly was sad, but I couldn't help it. We got it fixed though, in time for school.

Here are the terrible curls. Poor Haley. She is going to need psychiatric help with a mother like me.

Ah, much better!


Becky said...

I've done the exact thing to Madison and Hannah!!

Lovin Family said...

Can I just say that I thought the curls looked adorable. She could have bed head and still look beautiful! Pretty funny though that Shelbs found the moment funny. Love those girls!

maccam said...

We did that once too when I was in high school. We thought it would be cool to curl our hair like the pioneers did. I thought Haylee's hair looked cute. It definitely wasn't as bad as when we did it. You are a CUTE MOM! Love, Cam

Becky said...

Thats funny Melina!

The Garbison family said...

Hee hee...sooooo cute!

Maren said...

Oh Melina! You crack me up! I would have thought rag rollers would've been so cute! And you are NOT a terrible mother!

Tobby & Amy said...

I'm sure she loved you for trying! I just saw the pictures of your new little girl. She is absolutely beautiful! You guys have the cutest little family.
Love, Amy

Angie said...

Melina, I have done the same with my girls, and they turned out the same. Now I just use the curling iron, too bad it takes so much time!
Thanks for your sweet note about Helam.. Your little new baby is super cute! Hopefully ya'll will be coming to Utah soon so I can meet her!
Love ya,