Sunday, November 30, 2008

Navie's Splash

Becky and Nicole with my mother in law made this beautiful splash for my baby Navie,
it was so much fun.
We had a yummy salad, donuts and red Twinkies with milk, fruit and lots of love.

This is the presents table

Me opening this cute present

Collette, Me, Becky and Nicole

I love this picture of Haley and Shelby having some red Twinkies

Me with some of my sweet friends, Lisa Thompson and Lynn Weston

Here with some of my friends. These ladies are so special in my life, some others did not want to be in the picture ....................
Jodi, Jeannie, Heather, Nikki, Maren, Becky , and me.

Thank you for the fun time and for the presents.
I love you all.


Kent & Collette Barr said...

Fun times.....
Now the baby's here - I'm glad labor and delivery is over, aren't you?

maccam said... guys are so cute. So so so so wish I could have been there. Melina- your little Navie is the most beautiful newborn. It was good to see you at New Years. It had been too long. :) Love, Cam