Monday, November 10, 2008

Finally Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!

On halloween day we started early with activities, first at Haley's school, then we went to Becky's house for spooky dinner before going trick or treating it was a lot of fun.

Haley and her teacher Miss Murphy at her party

Having fun with some games

Logan, Haley and Cale at the party

The beginning of Trick or Treat, Shelby was excited but she did not want to wear her wings anymore.

After walking for almost 30 mins to Becky's house for dinner I was so tired. We tried to take some pictures of the kids but the only way was to have the TV on.

Finally trick or treat, we started with 2 Tinker bells, Ninja, and superman and at the end I only had two tinker bells and I was extremely tired

I love this picture. This is my pay off for the day; two cute kids sleeping.

Just for the record Shelby ate a least 20 lolly pops the whole night. I was really surprised when I saw her sleeping.
I love my kids.


The Garbison family said...

I love both sets of costumes!! Your girls are beautiful!!

Becky said...

Melina, you are one heck of a good trick-or-treater!