Monday, November 10, 2008

Before Halloween

This year the girls had so much fun before halloween. We had so many activities. I was really happy because they used their costumes more then once. Haley decided for this year to be a witch and Shelby a Cat, but in the end they wanted to be Tinker Bell.

We started at the mall, then trunk or treat at church and a halloween party at the grandparent's ward.


Haley at the parade at the mall cute witch

Shelby is always so happy


Ready to go trunk or treat
witch and a cute cat

Haley and Shelby

Shelby, Dad and Haley

Shelby (enjoying the chili), Mommy and Haley
Note: Shelby is eating something in every picture hahahaha

Grandma, Nicole,Becky, Me, Haley, Jace and Lincoln.

Haley and her cute friends Jaydin and Clara


Haley and Jace holding hands

Shelby Eating a yummy hotdog

Shelby with her monster face

Shelby dancing

Good memories for the kids.


Becky said...

Fun memories

Unknown said...

You are the cutest mom in the whole entire world...I hope you know you are worshipped over here in my house...seriously I think my mom loves you more than she does my dad, stop being so dang fun ok??