Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

I took Shelby to the pumpkin patch with some friends and we had so much fun. It was a little hot but we survived.

Shelby and Jace with their "cheese!" faces

Jace, Shelby and Drake looking at the chicks

Shelby picking out a pumpkin

Shelby decorating her pumpkin

Another view of Shelby and her friends decorating pumpkins ( I love this picture )

Shelby at the hay ride (It was really bumpy)

Shelby and mommy

Shelby having some snacks with Her friend Booke.

Thanks to Lynn and Becky for inviting us.
Haley was at school so she couldn't make it but Shelby got her a pumpkin.

1 comment:

Becky said...

That was a fun trip for the kids!