Me and Brian decided to be Frodo Baggins and Gandolf, we thought that the height difference between Frodo and Gandolf would be appropriate for us and because the hobbits are chubby it would be a perfect for me and my belly.
Brian, Haley and me before the party
Brian and Melina (Gandolf and Frodo) and Becky and Ted (Gangsters)
Melina, Jeannie and Nikki
Heather, Becky, Me and Jody
The whole group
Thanks Tadd and Heather for having us,we have fun.
I love your costumes! You guys all looked amazing! Great job! Love, Cam
I'm so sad we didn't make it, that looked like so much fun. You are so good Melina about keeping your blog up to date!! You and Brian looked awesome in your costumes by the way.
Melina....what can I say...your frodo Baggins costume was soooo good! (So was Gandolf's) You deserved the first prize this year, and I am glad everyone else thought so too! Ü
I loved, loved, loved your costumes! I can't believe you made them. Your so creative. :) I am so glad that you won best costume. I was voting for ya. :) Good Job!
Tru dat chica. You guys looked hilarious. It was a fun night & I'm glad you could make it. :)
You guys look AWESOME!!!!!! :-) How fun!
Terrific costumes, Melina. I really wanted to see the furry feet, though!
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